Wade Chandler from Ally Outdoors releases part 2 of the 6 ARC project!!!
Now comes the question everyone wants the answer to. What type of velocities should be expected from the 6 arc?
One thing to note, we are developing ammo for oem type use. So , these velocities are on the safe side. Much like you’d see with other factory ammo . They are capable of more , if you should choose to load your own. And , I will say , in a bolt gun. Is probably where this little 6mm would definitely shine. We shall know very soon.😉
So before getting to the numbers. We will touch on powder selection briefly. We tested powders as fast as H4198 all the way to powders as slow as 6.5 staball. Everything inbetween those two I have or could get my hands on. Which is most of them. We tested to its max capacity or max pressure. Which ever came first. I will not share charge weights at this time or exact powder selection. So forgive me if I do not respond to those questions.
That being said , let’s get to it.
22”. 1:10 twist
55gr Average safe velocity 34-3450 fps
65gr. Average safe velocity 3300 fps
70gr. Average safe velocity. 31-3200 fps
Now , you may be looking at those numbers and wondering what that all means so, we quickly threw together some ballistics data to give you an idea.
Rifle zeroed at 100 yards . Target at 300 yards , the amount of drop in inches is as follows
55gr. 8.34”
65gr. 8.64”
70gr. 9”
Less than 3/4” difference between them all. But, here’s where it gets interesting. (To nerds like myself). Lots of people don’t understand bc and all that , well this is where it comes into play. At longer ranges. Higher bc =better. Obviously I’m skipping allot here , but that isn’t the topic of this conversation. Back to it!
What matters at the animal ? Energy or velocity? Well considering the energy numbers are loosely calculated , I place less importance on them , than I do velocity. Because what we do know , is. What happens to projectile at said velocity. But, again this is loosely based on our findings afield and tons of recorded data. And obviously, yet again I’m racing through this discussion, that we will pick up another day.
While in your mind your thinking, well obliviously I want the lighter faster pill , because it’s flatter shooting. Well , yes it’s less than 3/4” flatter shooting. But, what matters to myself , is velocity and energy over that small number .
At 300 yards
55gr 2380 fps. 692 ft. Lbs of energy
65gr. 2398 fps. 827 Ft lbs of energy
70gr. 2394 fps. 891. Ft lbs of energy
See where bc starts to matter ?
Interesting side note. While ft lbs of energy is factored on weight and velocity. There’s no way to factor in what that projectile does upon entry into said target. We have 100’s of kills logged with said projectiles in other calibers and the nosler seems to hit with more authority . So if someone could go ahead and build up a formula that factors the animals weight and position of the impact, that would be great!
Back to it again!
So what does all this mean? Well you decide!
I’m impressed thus far and we are working on it more nearly every day.
Writer – Wade Chandler
I made a error . Among the pages of data my energy numbers got mixed up and I was off by one line. But have corrected it since a member was nice enough to message me and get me to take a second look at it. While I didn’t understand it my self and tried to understand it. Should have stopped and ran some numbers again. But, we got it sorted out.
And all data is as should be as of now. According to my ballistics program I use.