Revelation Bolt Action Rifle


Price listed above is base price. Selections that are made below and additional upgrades could increase price.

Each rifle is custom built to your specifications. Please provide as much information as possible so we know what you are looking for in your custom-built bolt action rifle. We will contact you with questions and to provide our recommendations and assistance when needed.

Base package is utilizing our CRF-O action. CRF-3 and Seventy5 are available at upcharge.

Categories: , Product ID: 4178

Additional information


DNA Firearm Systems Seventy5 Action Stainless Receiver, DNA Firearm Systems CRF-3 Action, DNA Firearm Systems CRF-O Action


Bartlein, Brux, Proof Research Stainless Blank


Special Black Single Stage Curved, Special Black Single Stage Flat, Special Black Single Stage Pro Curve


Right Hand, Left Hand



Magazine Tuning


Barrel Engraving

Each barrel is custom engraved to allow for easy identification of the caliber and twist rate.

Machine Timed Muzzle Brakes

Forget the shims, we can time your muzzle brake to the barrel for a perfect fit.

Flawless Bedding

We can bed your stock and action together for enhanced rifle accuracy.

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